When ushering in the new year festivities, keep in mind that a number of regulatory compliance issues will be facing your organization also as 2009 looms just around the corner. No, they’re not stocking stuffers, rather, they can be considered expensive, time-consuming, and arduous, to say the least. Here’s your list of 2009 Regulatory Compliance mandates that may very well find there way into your organization.
SAS 70
SAS 70 Type I and SAS 70 Type II audits have become increasingly popular since the advent of Sarbanes Oxely in 2002. Service organizations, third party outsourcing entities, and a slew of other companies have had to grapple with the time and costs associated with this widely recognized auditing standard. If your organization needs to become SAS 70 Type I or SAS 70 Type II compliant for 2009 and beyond, then take time to learn about this specialized auditing standard via the most comprehensive website available on SAS 70 audits, sas70.us.com. You can even obtain a free sample SAS 70 Type II report along with downloading numerous white papers and other expert subject matte on SAS 70 Type I and SAS 70 Type II audits.
PCI Compliance
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) compliance is fast becoming a hot regulatory compliance issue. The major payments brands, such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and JCB, have unilaterally agreed on a number of security provisions for the protection of cardholder data. In summary, any entity directly involved in the processing, storage, or transmission of transaction data or cardholder data should be looked upon as a PCI DSS candidate. But what really is PCI and where can you learn more about compliance and what your organization needs to do? Visit pciassessment.org, a comprhensive guide to understanding what PCI DSS compliance is and who is affected.